Christmas Traditions


Christmas Traditions

Something very dear to my heart during the festive time is t r a d i t i o n s. 

Traditions are unique to every home and every family. In ours, it is building a gingerbread house : D !


Every year my fiancé and I buy a DIY Gingerbread House Kit from Tessa’s Bakery.


Every kit includes pre-baked gingerbread biscuit panels, royal icing dry premix, a cake board, assorted candy décor and a piping bag – everything you need to create beautiful holiday memories with your family.

I always add a few special Christmas themed cookies to the house and this year I bought cookies at Nectar and Spice. I just love how cute the gingerbread man looks, and Santa clearly had a great 2020 ; – )


We always do this on Christmas eve, with a Christmas movie playing and some lovely hot chocolate in hand.

This year I thought it well to give one lucky reader a chance to win one of these magical boxes gifted by Explore It All.

Head over to my Instagram account, exploreitallblog and enter to win.

From my home to yours, I wish you a Merry Christmas and blessed 2021.


Until next time.


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  • Tamika
    Posted at 18:05h, 18 December

    Building a gingerbread house every year is a family Christmas tradition that just can’t be beat ! One of the best things about Christmas.!

  • Felicia-Anne Jocelyn Verschuur
    Posted at 00:04h, 19 December

    So cute!!! I’ve always wanted to build a gingerbread house 😍

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